Haldi/Turmeric has lot of medicinal benefits. It has antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory properties. People with joints problem should take it every day.

1.Turmeric improves brain function.

2. It also lowers your risk of heart disease.

3. It is rich in Manganese, Potassium, Vitamin B6, and Magnesium.

Courtesy pic: www.organicfacts.net

4. If you have acne scars apply it every day.

5. It is rich in antioxidant.

6. Mix haldi with milk or curd and apply everyday on your face. It also helps in reducing sign of aging and makes your skin supple and glowing.

Courtesy pic: thepinkvelvetblog.com

7. Turmeric has anti cancer properties.

8. It also helps in reducing depression.

I have a habit of drinking Milk with turmeric on a regular basis and frankly my IMMUNITY is very strong. Any pimple I have I apply turmeric, even if there is a wound I apply turmeric.

Courtesy pic: www.ikneadtoeat.com

Turmeric for me is a blessing. If it has so many natural healing agents, why can’t we introduce it in our diet rather spending on medicines?

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