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Aircraft rules-Why is it necessary to open the window shutters during takeoff & landing?


Have you ever wondered why the cabin crew gives you so many instructions when you fly in an aircraft, such as fastening your seat belt and turning off your cell phone? I’ve seen fellow passengers make fun of them when they leave or don’t follow instructions, and some even argue with them. First of all, let me make it very clear, a crew member has to follow the rules and regulations laid down by the DGCA, i.e., the Directorate General of Civil Aviation. The DGCA is a regulatory body dealing with the safety issues of the civil aviation industry.

The aircraft rules are made for your own safety.

The opening of window shutters is an important aircraft rule

A passenger’s eye can witness any kind of unforeseen happening at the time of takeoff and landing and can alert the crew immediately. It is a safety precaution. A passenger’s prompt action can help to avoid a catastrophic accident. Takeoff and landing are the two most critical phases in a flight.

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Tray tables should be folded back.

If tray tables are secured in an emergency, the passengers can exit the aircraft faster and with less delay. An open tray table can be a hindrance in the event of an emergency. It is also mandatory to save you from getting hurt in the case of an impact landing.



Fastening of seat belt

Seat belts should be worn at all times in an aircraft, even if the signs are turned off, to avoid injury during sudden turbulent weather, also known as “Clear Air Turbulence. “There have been incidents where crew members have “hit the ceiling or twisted their ankle” badly and were in bed for months and months.

During taxing, the pilot may have to put a brake on unexpectedly at any time; a seat belt will ensure your safety in this scenario.

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Seat in an upright position.

Since most accidents happen during takeoff and landing, it is for the safety of the passengers on board the aircraft to straighten their seats. It will also reduce the chance of slamming your face into the seat back in front of you. A seat back upright also makes your body posture alert, and an alert body reacts fast. In an emergency situation, no one wants to waste time moving out of their reclined seats. Therefore, if the seat back is upright, the evacuation process becomes fast.

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Dimming of light during takeoff and landing

The cabin lights are dimmed only if it’s dark or dusk outside the aircraft to acclimatize the passenger’s eyes to the outside darkness and prepare you well in case of an emergency. In the event of a crash in the dark, passengers’ eyes are well adjusted to the outside conditions.

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Mobile phones on switch off or flight mode

Mobile phones can interfere with the cockpit navigation system. In flight mode is completely safe. If you turn your phone into normal mode your phone will continue to look for a signal, anything that transmits a signal can generate lot of interference. There can be hindrance while communicating with the Air traffic Controller.

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Don’t use headphones.

Headphones are restricted during critical phases in an aircraft because passengers are so engrossed in their mobile phones that there is a high chance they will miss the important announcements made by the crew in regard to an emergency situation or the exits they have to use for evacuation or any other evacuation related drill. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

So the next time a crew member briefs you on something, please pay attention since it is for your safety.

Happy landing


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